Are you looking for Thomas 3450 Polyethylene Spilltray and Drying Rack, 16-1/2" Length x 13" Width x 5/8" Height on Best Deals, I suggest you buy at Amazon Store. Was greater in the lower price and ship for free. If you're looking for information on the Internet about the Thomas 3450 Polyethylene at Amazon Store is selling the cheapest and best offers.
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This Thomas 3450 Polyethylene is now on sale on Amazon Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Click on this link to get an immediate discount!
Here are some of the great features of Thomas 3450 Polyethylene Spilltray and Drying Rack, 16-1/2" Length x 13" Width x 5/8" Height
Thomas , Eliminate spills with this chemical-resistant, maintenance-free, polyethylene containment tray. Use one at each workstation or fumehood to safely handle chemicals and liquids while pipeting, measuring, or mixing. Holds 1-1/4 liters of spilled liquid. Easy to clean simply lift off the white grid and empty. Low profile design is perfect for drying glassware and delicate items. Plastic grid cushions and protects against breakage and scratches. Grid cuts drying time in half by permitting air circulation. Easel permits drying odd shaped items. Entire unit is dishwasher safe. Tray folds up to 4-3/8" creating an incline of 45 degrees. Weight is 1 pound.
- Unit is dishwasher safe
- Eliminate spills
- Reduce drying time
- Easy to clean
- Measures 16-1/2" length by 13" width by 5/8" height
Cheap Thomas 3450 Polyethylene. Best Deals Thomas 3450 Polyethylene Spilltray and Drying Rack, 16-1/2" Length x 13" Width x 5/8" Height Cheap Price. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Hot Savings!