Hanna Instruments Heavy Duty Magnetic Stirrer Stainless Steel Cover 110/115V
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Here are some of the great features of Hanna Instruments Heavy Duty Magnetic Stirrer Stainless Steel Cover 110/115V
Hanna Instruments , HI 300N is a heavy-duty stirrer. HI 300N can stir up to 2.5 liters (0.66 gallons) of liquid. This makes it perfect for laboratory use as well as use in production. Electronic controls are incorporated into this stirrer that allows the user to regulate the speed with greater precision. With HANNA 's SpeedsafeTM, a limiter will assure that the maximum speed will never be exceeded. The HI 300N magnetic stirrer, stainless steel cover, is supplied with micro stir bar and instructions. ...
- Min Speed 100 rpm
- 110/115V
- Heavy Duty Economical Stirrer
- Stainless Steel Top
- Max Speed 800-1000 rpm
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